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Ways to safely store electronic devices

Even though we all hate looking at manuals, the way to safely store electronic devices is to read the manual. We can, of course, help you with a few tips and tricks but this is the best advice you can get. The manual is the key. Of course, there is a difference between storing electronics short-term and long-term but the principle is the same.

Storing electronic devices

The safest way is of course storing it in its original package. The original package is the perfect packing supply, but if you don’t have it anymore, you have to find the second-best solution. You can use anti-static foam wrapping. If you want to store your electronic devices, you must ensure their safety from clogging in the dust. Consider wrapping them in linen too. This will be the best for relocating too.

Read in the manual for how long can you store your electronic devices.

Before you pack your devices

Before packing you need to clean the device. The second step is detaching wires and accessories. Check for insertable materials. Make sure that the storage unit is dry and safe. You don’t want any moisture. So, find a good and reliable storage unit. Also, before you pack anything make sure to label everything even the boxes with cables and everything. You don’t want to open unnecessary boxes in case you need something to take from the storage. Also unpacking, later on, will be easier. So go get some sharpies and start writing everything down.

family packing after they find a proper solution to store electronic devices.
Make sure to label your boxes.

Too hot for electronics

Electronics definitely don’t like the heat. Keeping electronics in a hot, humid space can be a disaster. These conditions can seriously affect internal parts, and the plastics can crack due to the high heat, so be very careful. Opting for climate-controlled storage facilities might be the best solution for you if you want to store your TVs, DVD players, and other electronics without the risk of damage.

Too cold for electronics

If you are wondering if electronics can be frozen the answer is most probably not. So the heat is the only enemy. Cold temperatures won’t do any damage to plasma TVs until they dip below freezing. The cold by itself will not hurt a TV, which is why it can be transported and stored in very low temperatures. The same goes for sony PlayStation or Xbox.


Keeping your electronics from humidity is very important. The easiest solution for keeping your electronics safe from moisture might be to apply a conformal coating to the board. You can also try with silica gel and a suction fan. Don’t worry, you got this. As long as you are careful and do your research you will do just fine and your electronic devices will be fine.

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