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Things most people forget when moving to their new home

If you are preparing for an upcoming relocation, you should be fully prepared. What are the things people forget when moving and how to avoid this situation? We have created a list of items people forget often to do or to pack. One of the best ways to be organized is to create a moving checklist. You can create your personal checklist or download it online, there are many different apps you may try. A checklist will help you reduce stress when moving too. Write everything down to 8 weeks before moving, 4 weeks, a few days before, and on a moving day.

What people forget when moving?

When you know what are common mistakes other people make when moving, there are fewer chances you will forget the same things to do. This is why you should do this research, in order to prepare for moving completely and to move like a pro.

This is the list of those things:

  • Documents such as personal documents (passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc), business documents, financial and car documents…If you are moving your business too, make sure to prepare all the required documents first for business relocation.
  • Medicines and vitamins. Moving is stressful, you should pay attention to your health and if you are on some therapy, pack all those things in the same box. People forget when moving to buy medications for a longer period.
A checklist for writing what people forget when moving.
Write a checklist or get a finished one online, this way you won’t forget anything to do when moving
  • Valuable items such as money, jewelry, items you keep in a safe box. If you have some hidden valuable items in your home, pack them all.
  • If you have clothing at dry cleaning, don’t forget to pick them up before moving.
  • Packing an essential moving box is crucial when moving because this is a box that you will open first after moving into a new home. Pack paper plates, cups, non-perishable food, scissors, toiletries, some clothes, chargers, kids’ toys, items for your pets, etc. Also, pack your essential box a few days before moving day.
  • If you have rented a storage unit and you are moving to another city, make sure to empty your storage unit and rent another one. In the city where you are moving to.
  • Cleaning supplies are important, after a long day of moving, you will want to relax in your new home. This will be impossible if a house is not completely clean.
  • Surprisingly, people often forget to move household plants.
  • Cancel your subscriptions for newspapers and magazines. Also, cancel all the utilities and notify utility companies that you are moving to a new home.
A moving box.
Pack like a pro, or ask for help, your friends or hire professional packers for your relocation


By making a moving checklist, your relocation will be successful and easier and you won’t overlook things people forget when moving. If you know someone who moved recently, ask for advice and experience. A moving company may also help you move with ease, so ask for help.

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