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How to unpack efficiently after a long distance move to Brooklyn

Congratulations! It might have been an overwhelming long-distance move, but you’ve managed to arrive to Brooklyn. Now, it seems like you’re all done. But, you still need to unpack, which is an activity that some people enjoy. For them, it’s a reason to be happy, because it means that they can start making their new house a home. For others, it’s something they want to get over with as quickly as possible. And understandably so. Luckily, you can learn here how to unpack efficiently after a long distance move to Brooklyn.

How to unpack efficiently after a long distance move to Brooklyn

There are a couple of basic rules to follow in this exact order. Keep in mind that you can always improvise, but in that case, the whole process might take you more time than needed.

  • First of all, use a system in order to unpack efficiently after a long distance move to Brooklyn, for example, you can color or label the boxes.
  • Unpack the important items first.
  • Do one room at the time, by following the order below.
  • Arrange the furniture.

Create a system and stick to it

Especially in the case if you had to move on short notice, you can see that it was a challenge in itself. However, unpacking can be a challenge too. That’s the reason to have a system. While you can randomly open boxes and unload their content in any room, having a system is much smarter. If you have an inventory list, use it to see which box is for which room and check the labels on the boxes before opening them. If you’ve already created the system when you did the packing, now is the time to use it. Don’t abandon it only because you’re impatient to get things done. Remember, there was a reason why you’ve created the system in the first place.

First things first

Words like “system” or “unpacking efficiently” might make you feel like you don’t want to do it in the first place. And that’s all right. You can let professionals unpack your belongings. That way, you won’t have to deal with that. But, even if you’ve hired the professionals, you should be the one who’ll unpack the essentials box. That’s the box that has the items that you’ll need very soon. It usually contains:

  • Toiletries
  • Phone or laptop charger
  • Medication
  • Spare clothes
  • Pajamas
  • Items for food preparation and glasses
  • Other essential items

If you don’t have such a box, be sure to check the inventory list and try to find these items.

Start with the bathroom

First, check if the water is turned on. Then, clean your bathroom. No matter if it’s already clean, you want to make sure that’s the case. Place your toiletries and medications in your bathroom cabinet. Also, unpack the towels and basic cleaning supplies. Next, you might want to take a shower in your new, clean bathroom. Don’t forget to install the shower-curtains first. Long shower after a long distance move is a pleasure you shouldn’t deny yourself. Boxes can wait that much longer.

Bedroom next

Bedroom should be one of the first rooms that’re functional after a long distance move.

Once you’re clean and well rested, it’s time to prepare the place for sleep, for after you’re done with the day’s unpacking. Open the boxes with your bed, bed sheets, linens, and pillows. Make sure that once you get tired after unpacking, you’ll have your new bedroom functional, at least for the first night. You’ll be grateful you did it, trust us. Also, decide on the furniture placement and how your closet should be organized. After doing so, you can immediately put the unpacked items there, so you won’t have to waste your time and do it twice.

Hiring the professionals

And if you’re still wondering about the box with the bed, that’s right, you’ve read it correctly. It might be the hardest thing to get inside your new place. That alone might be a reason enough to hire long distance moving professionals in New York. They will also help you with the rest of the furniture and generally make your move much, much easier.


Tea cups
Save the tiny items for later.

Now it’s time to unpack the kitchen items. However, similar to the closets in the bedroom, you should install the cabinets and cupboard first. Then, create a system for organizing the kitchen items and unpack them directly according to it. Have a couple of plates and glasses unpacked. Also, hook up the appliances, especially the ones that you’re going to use right away. Don’t get too much into organizing your kitchen, you can finish it once you’re done with the whole apartment. That’s because there are a lot of tiny items that go here, so it can be time consuming and overwhelming, especially when you’re tired.

Arranging the furniture

Living room
Once you’re done with unpacking, personalize your new place and make it your home.
If you have floor-plan sketches of your new home, you can already roughly arrange the big pieces of furniture. However, if you don’t have the sketches, you can use washi tape to mark the places where the furniture should go. Go around your new place and put the tape on the floor to outline the furniture. That way, not only you but also the movers will know where to put the table or the armchairs. Of course, you won’t know for sure if it’s the right place for your armchair until you move it there. So, the tape is especially useful for big pieces of furniture. Next, you can hang the pictures and personalize the space. The sooner you’re done, the sooner you can start connecting with your neighbors.

Once you’re done

Don’t forget to relax when moving, it’s important to enjoy the process as well as the result. And once you unpack efficiently after a long distance move to Brooklyn and settle down, you’ll have plenty reasons to be satisfied with what you’ve achieved. You’ve made it! Put on some nice relaxing music, have a nice cup of coffee, and just relax on your couch for a couple of minutes. You deserve it.


July 15, 2019

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